Homu queue - cargo

This will create a new pull request consisting of 0 PRs.

A rollup is useful for shortening the queue, but jumping the queue is unfair to older PRs who have waited too long.

When creating a real rollup, see this instruction for reference.

67 total, 0 approved, 0 rolled up, 0 failed / /

Sort key # Status Mergeable Title Head ref Assignee Approved by Priority Rollup
1 10960 yes Report codegen timings for binary crates bjorn3:bin_link_timings ehuss 0
2 13086 chore(deps): update rust crate itertools to 0.12.0 rust-lang:renovate/itertools-0.x weihanglo 0
3 13347 yes [WIP] feat(cargo-vendor): vendor path dep if it is not in any given workspaces weihanglo:vendor-path-deps epage 0
4 13404 yes test: Verify build-std final crate graph against library lock file. c272:verify-std-lock ehuss 0
5 13443 yes feat: Expost host and target sysroot to build scripts. c272:rustc-sysroot weihanglo 0
6 13501 yes Bail publish job before packaging and upload stupendoussuperpowers:same-version weihanglo 0
7 13535 yes Coerce major wildcards Nikita240:coerce-major-wildcards Eh2406 0
8 13571 yes Stabilize `-Zcheck-cfg` as always enabled Urgau:stabilize-check-cfg ehuss 0
9 13572 yes Fix: Make path dependencies with the same name stays locked linyihai:multi-dep-same-name ehuss 0
10 13584 yes [WIP] feat: index cache in SQLite3 weihanglo:index-cache-sqlite epage 0
11 13590 yes Document interaction between custom profiles and overrides vlovich:patch-1 0
12 13596 yes [WIP] Fix: Cargo fails to detect environment variable LuuuXXX:issue-13280 weihanglo 0
13 13605 yes core/compiler: report executable paths for all binary crates dvdhrm:pr/libbin epage 0
14 13644 yes feat: Stablize `CARGO_RUSTC_CURRENT_DIR` epage:rustc_current_dir weihanglo 0
15 13660 yes clarify default behavior of `documentation` field RalfJung:documentation-default ehuss 0
16 13669 yes Protect .cargo-ok on case-insensitive file systems kornelski:not-ok epage 0
17 13677 yes Document variance in strip workingjubilee:fixup-docs-for-strip epage 0
18 13687 yes Allows the default git/gitoxide configuration to be obtained from the ENV and config linyihai:git-features-env weihanglo 0
19 13694 yes WIP: fix(config): Improve the error for partial-struct epage:env weihanglo 0
20 13709 yes feat: implement RFC 3553 to add SBOM support justahero:rfc3553/cargo-sbom-support ehuss 0
21 13713 yes fix(toml): Warn, rather than fail publish, if a target is excluded epage:no-auto ehuss 0
22 13765 yes Fix cargo add behaving different when translating package name dohse:fix-13702 epage 0
23 13766 yes [doc]: Add create workspace doc heisen-li:workspace_example epage 0
24 13779 yes [experiment] `patch` with patch files weihanglo:unidiff ehuss 0
25 13781 yes docs(ref): Add section on Apple deployment target environment variables madsmtm:deployment-target epage 0
26 13788 yes fix(toml)!: Remove support for inheriting badges epage:badges weihanglo 0
27 13791 yes fix(resolver): Treat unset MSRV as compatible epage:msrv-unset Eh2406 0
28 13792 yes fix(cargo-fix): dont fix into standard library weihanglo:fix-in-rust-src ehuss 0
29 13805 yes Error when unstable lints are specified but not enabled Muscraft:im-a-teapot-lint-unstable epage 0
30 13806 yes Strip cargo lints table Muscraft:strip-cargo-lints-table weihanglo 0
31 13809 yes WIP: rename out-dir to artifact-dir valadaptive:artifact-dir epage 0
32 13813 yes Move to a global Renderer Muscraft:add-global-renderer epage 0
33 13817 yes Fix target entry in .gitignore rukai:fix_target_gitignore ehuss 0
34 13818 yes Clean package perf improvements osiewicz:clean-package-perf-improvements ehuss 0
35 13819 yes fix(alias): Aliases without subcommands should not panic heisen-li:alias epage 0
36 13820 yes [doc]:fix project to package heisen-li:project epage 0
37 9024 no Make cargo metadata --no-deps print all path deps (including other workspaces) alyssais:no-deps 0
38 9532 no Add env variable to indicate the build type. jameshilliard:is-cross 0
39 9603 no support generic target tables and env variables jameshilliard:generic-config Eh2406 0
40 9634 no Use cross compile style target/host isolation for all builds. jameshilliard:all-cross Eh2406 0
41 9753 no Stabilize target-applies-to-host feature. jameshilliard:stabilize-target-applies-to-host 0
42 10061 no Implement 'multidep' (RFC-3176) Byron:rfc-3176 joshtriplett 0
43 10330 no Support per pkg target for `-Zbuild-std` fee1-dead:support-per-pkg-target-w-buildstd ehuss 0
44 10462 no Add target-specific RUSTFLAGS variants jonhoo:targeted-rustflags weihanglo 0
45 10736 no Add `safe.directories` config ehuss:safe-directories 0
46 10871 no Add "unit struct to normal struct" case to semver.md obi1kenobi:patch-1 ehuss 0
47 11046 no WIP: Add a general mechanism for setting rustflags in Cargo for the current crate only ridwanabdillahi:rustflags weihanglo 0
48 11188 no Omit checksum verification for local git dependencies jarhodes314:local-git-dependency-requires-checksum weihanglo 0
49 11272 no Panic behavior in profile can be specified if using custom harness weihanglo:issue/11214 ehuss 0
50 11312 no Emit errors with cargo:error= kornelski:build-cargo-error epage 0
51 11429 no Refactoring: move hex and hasher modules from util module to util crate nrc:utils 0
52 11804 no cargo doc --open always respect request_kind hi-rustin:rustin-patch-doc-open ehuss 0
53 11879 no Support `cargo owner add` heisen-li:owner epage 0
54 11969 no Support `per-pkg-target` for `-Zbuild-std`, take two fee1-dead-contrib:per-pkg-target-build-std ehuss 0
55 12807 no Ignore errors when declaring a registry on path dependency JordanForks:task/ignore-registry-for-path-dep weihanglo 0
56 12875 no Add option to error when warnings are emitted, or ignore warnings arlosi:warnings epage 0
57 12974 no Implement support for base paths dpaoliello:basepath ehuss 0
58 13183 no test(priv_dep): add test for `verify public is respected recursively` linyihai:recursive_pri_dep epage 0
59 13207 no Fix panic when running `cargo tree` on a package with a cross compiled bindep rukai:fix_cargo_tree_bindep_crosscompile weihanglo 0
60 13254 no chore: remove `version` field from `publish=false` packages weihanglo:versionless epage 0
61 13271 no Fix: cargo vendor can't handle duplicates. junjihashimoto:feature/no-merge-sources ehuss 0
62 13330 no Add `include` and `exclude` information to metadata GuillaumeGomez:metadata-include-exclude epage 0
63 13522 no Clarify warning for using `features` or `default-features` in `patch` joshtriplett:better-warning-for-features-in-patch ehuss 0
64 13558 no fix(credential)!: Fallback when an auth method isn't available on the current machine epage:secret-fallback arlosi 0
65 13598 no Basic implementation for `cargo install --dry-run` PaulDance:install-dry-run weihanglo 0
66 13639 no Add `unknown-lints` lint Muscraft:unknown-lints epage 0
67 13689 no fix: create ephemeral workspace for git source hi-rustin:rustin-patch-install-git weihanglo 0

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