Homu queue - clippy

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81 total, 1 approved, 0 rolled up, 2 failed / /

Sort key # Status Mergeable Title Head ref Assignee Approved by Priority Rollup
1 9461 yes BREAKING CHANGE fix running path/to/cargo-clippy --fix matthiaskrgr:ARGH giraffate 0
2 10632 yes Add `needless_maybe_sized` lint Alexendoo:needless-maybe-sized Jarcho 0
3 11419 yes fix: needless_range_loop's FP on the `Field` expr kiscad:issue-11399 flip1995 0
4 11463 yes WIP New lint: borrowed_option tom-anders:borrowed_option blyxyas 0
5 11476 yes new lint: `zombie_processes` y21:zombie_processes xFrednet 0
6 11540 yes add new lint that disallow renaming parameters in trait functions J-ZhengLi:issue11443 xFrednet 0
7 11600 yes new lint: `danger_not_accepted` Radbuglet:master Alexendoo 0
8 11656 yes [`unnecessary_to_owned`]: catch `to_owned` on byte slice to create temporary `&str` y21:unnecessary_string_from_utf8 Jarcho 0
9 11700 yes [`pathbuf_init_then_push`]: Checks for calls to `push` immediately a… lengyijun:pathbuf_join xFrednet 0
10 12107 yes new lint: `macro_metavars_in_unsafe` y21:expr_metavars_in_unsafe xFrednet 0
11 12150 yes Add lint for `misleading_use_of_ok` ithinuel:add_misleading_use_of_ok dswij 0
12 12368 yes Unnecessary call to min/max method vohoanglong0107:unnecessary-min Alexendoo 0
13 12398 yes bug fix: lint numbered_fields message error WeiTheShinobi:bug-lint-numbered_fields Manishearth 0
14 12421 yes fix [`infinite_loop`] suggestions on async funtion/closure J-ZhengLi:issue12338 Jarcho 0
15 12456 yes Fix output lifetime collection in needless_lifetimes m-rph:needless_lifetimes blyxyas 0
16 12471 yes Avoid reported unsoundness for implied lifetime bounds YpeKingma:lifetimes_bound_nested_ref Manishearth 0
17 12474 yes Fix `std_instead_of_core` for `ListStem` use MarcusGrass:mg/fix-std-instead-of-core-use blyxyas 0
18 12476 yes Extend `implicit_saturating_sub` lint GuillaumeGomez:add-manual_arithmetic_check y21 0
19 12488 yes Disable `indexing_slicing` for custom Index impls Jacherr:issue-11525 llogiq 0
20 12515 yes fix `for x in y unsafe { }` bend-n:🦀 llogiq 0
21 12539 yes Add lint which checks that duration conversion aren't losing precision declanvk:duration-to-float blyxyas 0
22 12548 yes New Lint: `stacked_ifs` ARandomDev99:stacked-ifs-12483 Alexendoo 0
23 12567 yes Fix `FormatArgs` storage when `-Zthreads` > 1 Alexendoo:format-args-storage flip1995 0
24 12571 yes Ignore `disallowed_types` in foreign macros stepantubanov:disallowed-types-foreign-macros xFrednet 0
25 12575 yes New lint: [`duplicate_map_keys`] SeseMueller:master llogiq 0
26 12596 yes Modify lint pass note for consistency with the book ARandomDev99:issue-12595 Alexendoo 0
27 12611 yes Make `single_range_in_vec_init` ignore type annotations, fn arguments and `ExprField`s matzemathics:11086 dswij 0
28 12647 yes Add regression test for #12612 GuillaumeGomez:regression-12612 Jarcho 0
29 12650 yes fix false positive in Issue/12098 because lack of consideration of mutable caller cocodery:issue/12098 GuillaumeGomez 0
30 12656 yes Add 'Expand All' & 'Collapse All' to the website SpencerAWill:Add-expand-all-to-the-web-site xFrednet 0
31 12672 yes fix [`undocumented_unsafe_blocks`] FP with trait/impl items J-ZhengLi:issue11709 Alexendoo 0
32 12681 yes Let `qualify_min_const_fn` deal with drop terminators y21:issue12677 Jarcho 0
33 12687 yes Don't suggest `Box::default()` in functions with differing generics Alexendoo:box-default-generic-fn xFrednet 0
34 12688 yes fix: `manual_unwrap_or_default` suggests error when expression is a None variant t-webber:fix_manual_unwrap_or_default Jarcho 0
35 12694 yes check if closure as method arg has read access in [`collection_is_never_read`] J-ZhengLi:issue11783 dswij 0
36 12700 yes [`overly_complex_bool_expr`]: Fix trigger wrongly on never type Luv-Ray:overly_complex_bool_expr Jarcho 0
37 12701 yes Improve documentation of `needless_range_loop` tatounee:master dswij 0
38 12706 yes less aggressive needless_borrows_for_generic_args pacak:less-aggressive-needless-borrows dswij 0
39 12712 yes make [`manual_map`] ignore types that contain `dyn` J-ZhengLi:issue12666 dswij 0
40 12713 yes make sure the msrv for `const_raw_ptr_deref` is met when linting [`missing_const_for_fn`] J-ZhengLi:issue8864 dswij 0
41 12719 yes Fix website dash replacement roddyrap:fix-website-dash-replace-12718 xFrednet 0
42 12725 yes configurably allow `useless_vec` in tests llogiq:allow-useless-test-vecs blyxyas 0
43 12726 yes clippy::single_match(_else) may be machine applicable kornelski:else_applicable blyxyas 0
44 12730 yes Lint direct priority conflicts in `[workspace.lints]` Alexendoo:lint-groups-workspace-priority xFrednet 0
45 7688 no Add lint `ref_mut_iter_method_chain` Jarcho:ref_mut_iter_method_chain flip1995 0
46 8526 no Add lint `could_be_unsized` Jarcho:could_be_unsized dswij 0
47 9731 no improve `lintcheck` kraktus:lcheck3 Alexendoo 0
48 9948 no Process all format-like macros nyurik:handle-all-fmt Alexendoo 0
49 10155 no Add new lint for byte char slices TheNeikos:feature/add_byte_char_slice_lint Manishearth 0
50 10258 no Update `stable_sort_primitive` to prefer `sort` not only primitive types chansuke:issue-9970 Manishearth 0
51 10312 no Add `transmute_slice_to_larger_element_type` lint KisaragiEffective:feature/transmute-slice-to-larger-element-type Jarcho 0
52 10398 no Run a diff of lintcheck against the merge base for pull requests Alexendoo:auto-lintcheck flip1995 0
53 10740 no WIP format literal arg inlining nyurik:inline-literal llogiq 0
54 11293 no feat: add cfg_not_test lint mrnossiom:11234 Jarcho 0
55 11364 no Convert `redundant_clone` to an analysis pass Jarcho:rclone Alexendoo 0
56 11421 no Make UI test annotations mandatory GuillaumeGomez:ui-test-annotations Manishearth 0
57 11441 no `single_match`: fix checking of explicitly matched enums Jarcho:issue_11365 blyxyas 0
58 11546 no [`needless_continue`]: lint if the last stmt in for/while/loop is `co… lengyijun:needless_continue_last Alexendoo 0
59 11578 no new lint that detects blocking operations in async J-ZhengLi:issue10794 Jarcho 0
60 11581 no Add lint `manual_option_folding` sjwang05:manual-option-folding xFrednet 0
61 11647 no Honor `avoid-breaking-exported-api` in `needless_pass_by_ref_mut` flip1995:needless-pass-by-ref-mut-pub-api GuillaumeGomez 0
62 11789 no [WIP] New lint `manual_checked_op` Jarcho:checked_op Centri3 0
63 11796 no New lint: `unnecessary_map_or` Jacherr:pattern-match-partialeq Centri3 0
64 11909 no [WIP] unnecessary_cast: append suffix on `(literal as ty).method(args)` KisaragiEffective:fix/11882 y21 0
65 11948 no `float_cmp` changes Jarcho:float_cmp xFrednet 0
66 11955 no Issue 9231: add `cast_integer` lint gernot-ohner:issue-9231 Alexendoo 0
67 11988 no fix suggestion error for [`manual_is_ascii_check`] with missing type J-ZhengLi:issue11324 Alexendoo 0
68 12194 no implement disallowed trait methods Emilgardis:disallowed_trait_method Alexendoo 0
70 12287 no Add lint `manual_inspect` Jarcho:issue_12250 llogiq 0
71 12327 no Add annotations for test files Jarcho:test_annotate y21 0
72 12347 no WIP: Add a lint that detects non-portable usize literals alexanderkjall:add-usize-unportable-32-bit-literal-lint Jarcho 0
73 12360 no WIP: New lint [`manual_position`] GabrielBFern:master llogiq 0
74 12388 no Respect MSRV (MAYBE_BOUND_IN_WHERE) sanxiyn:msrv y21 0
75 12399 no Add `unnecessary_ref_mut` lint not-elm:feature/unnecessary_ref_mut Manishearth 0
76 12464 no new lint: `unnecessary_indexing` Jacherr:issue-11858 giraffate 0
77 12473 no Fix handling of `Deref` in `assigning_clones` Kobzol:assigning-clones-deref blyxyas 0
78 12550 no Remove `is_normalizable` Jarcho:issue_10508 y21 0
79 12620 no Handle `rustc_on_unimplemented` in duplicated_attributes Nilstrieb:dupattr Jarcho 0
80 12190 failure no Fix/12035 silence struct field names alexis-langlet:fix/12035-silence-struct-field-names Manishearth Manishearth 0
81 11235 failure no [blocked] attempt to check rust-lang/rust with clippy in ci matthiaskrgr:rustc_in_ci 0

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