Homu queue - crates-io

This will create a new pull request consisting of 0 PRs.

A rollup is useful for shortening the queue, but jumping the queue is unfair to older PRs who have waited too long.

When creating a real rollup, see this instruction for reference.

7 total, 0 approved, 0 rolled up, 0 failed / /

Sort key # Status Mergeable Title Head ref Assignee Approved by Priority Rollup
1 8372 Update Rust crate tokio to v1.37.0 rust-lang:renovate/tokio-1.x 0
2 8378 yes Update Rust crate cargo-manifest to v0.14.0 rust-lang:renovate/cargo-manifest-0.x 0
3 8521 yes [WIP] Add e2e tests with Playwright eth3lbert:playwright 0
4 8543 yes Update Rust crate parking_lot to v0.12.2 rust-lang:renovate/parking_lot-0.x 0
5 8290 no Send API token expiry notification emails hi-rustin:rustin-patch-expiry_notification_job 0
6 8406 no Update dependency eslint to v9 rust-lang:renovate/eslint-9.x 0
7 8419 no Implement rate limiting for e-mail verifications LawnGnome:e-mail-throttling 0

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