Homu queue - rls

This will create a new pull request consisting of 0 PRs.

A rollup is useful for shortening the queue, but jumping the queue is unfair to older PRs who have waited too long.

When creating a real rollup, see this instruction for reference.

4 total, 0 approved, 0 rolled up, 0 failed / /

Sort key # Status Mergeable Title Head ref Assignee Approved by Priority Rollup
1 1778 yes feat: update lsp_types to the latest version aminya:lsp-data-update 0
2 1781 yes fix: update dependencies and the toolchain aminya:deps-update 0
3 1783 yes Remove unused dependency humantime 2.0.0 notriddle:master 0
4 1584 no Pass file directory as cwd for Run test of CodeLens Gowee:cmdcwd 0

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